After dinner Team Poa Kichizi Kama Ndizi head to bed under clear blue skies for a few hours before they head to the summit


Hey all ya’ll and all ya’ll, ya’ll, it’s Poa Kichizi Kama Ndizi. We’re here at High Camp/Kosovo (15,700 feet above sea level) the 21st of July at 5:45 in the evening. We’re having some din din, going to bed early, and before you know it, we’ll be up and at it, climbing to the top of Africa. Everyone’s doing well.

And we have at least one member who’d like to give a shout out back home:

“Hey, this is Paul Fry just saying ‘hey’ to all my family and friends that may be listening in, especially my… (transmission indiscernible) doing well. Anybody at Shepherd’s Field (?) that may be listening, say ‘hi’ to Ashlyn. I love everyone very much.”

We have blue skies and no winds at the moment. Keep your fingers crossed for some good weather for us tonight. And we’ll give you a shout from Millennium Camp at about 12,200 feet tomorrow night after our summit, for our last night on the mountain. Thanks for following along.


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